Tagged: border crisis

Over 434,000 Illegals Flown into US Under Biden CHNV Parole Program

May 18, 2024
(THE GATEWAY PUNDIT)–This is Joe Biden’s America.

New data from the CBP reveals that over 434,000 illegal aliens have been flown into the US under crooked Joe Biden’s CHNV parole program.

CHNV is an abbreviation for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans. This parole program allows up to 30,000 “non-citizens” per month from those countries to be considered entry into the US by being flown directly into the country.

The accumulated total under this program is 184,600 from Haiti, 101,200 from Venezuela, 91,100 from Cuba, and 75,700 from Nicaragua. Read more »